Gamma Upsilon Chapter at the University of Tulsa
PIKE believes athletic competition encourages young men to challenge each other and to perform at their highest levels. We seek men who push themselves to be great at everything they do. Through athletic competition, we build teamwork skills fundamental to success in the business world, bolster unity within the chapter, contribute to the physical and mental health of our members, and improve the quality of the overall college experience. Competition breeds excellence—in the classroom, on the playing fields, and in our daily lives.

A-League Football Champs

Co-Rec Basketball Champs

1st Place Team of Kappa Alpha Theta's 2017 A League Kickin' for Casa Soccer tournament.

A-League Football Champs
On Campus, we have displayed this drive for competition with an incredible display of athletic domination over the last 15 years. We compete in every sport offered at most every skill division. In addition, we field corec teams with different sororities for all the major sports (volleyball, football, basketball, softball, etc.) PIKE has taken home the overall intramural championship 15 of the last 17 years including the past 11 in a row. This includes championship runs in just about every sport during this span.
Club Athletics
In addition, brothers of PIKE have founded Club Golf, Club Baseball, Club Lacrosse, and Martial Arts Club.